2018 Falls Bed lining Color Trends That Rocks

2018 Falls Bed lining Color Trends That Rocks

agosto 30, 2018

2018 Falls Color Trends

Color is an integral aspect of home décor. Yes, you can’t keep it aside, even for the color neutral kind of person. A little touch of color here and there in your room can speak a lot about your personality. At the same time, it gives your room character.

For the home décor enthusiastic, you know that last year and the years following, the color scheme for falls has leaned more to the neutral feel. This year things have warmed up further. Thanks to the Pantone Color choice for the year which is a bright shade of violet. Now, other home décor enthusiastic and creators like ourselves can cook up daring color blends.

To aid you in your search for the right color theme for this fall, we have spoken with other established interior designers to present you with some of the top colors that you will see this autumn across various homes. Alongside that, we have launched beautiful fall bed linings that should match with your pick.


Blue is a peaceful color and can come in different shades. If you are looking for something thick to act as a blind for the first floor rooms, you have got the right color. A dark shade of blue won't only cut off the effect of the sun rays; it would also make the room comfy. A good spot for meditation and quiet. You can also use light blue as we did here with our Juego De Edredon Cherry Floral lining to accentuate the look of your room and home. A bed lining with a flowery design of sky blue and white gives a bright touch to the room. It also reminds you of the sky and the forest. The perfect fall combo.

Bed lining in Blue
Bed lining in Pink 


Pink might come out more feminine and sweet. The kind of color you want to use for ascent and pillows only. However, pink comes in various shades. It can also make a room look masculine and classy. For example, the salmon peach shade of pink can turn your room into looking elegantly masculine. You can also combine pink with other hues to ornament and promote the feel of your home like the color blend we have in Juego De Colcha Beverly. It matches brown, white, and any other color you might have in mind. A pink hue during the falls can remind you of the flowers close-by while promoting your preferred theme.


Purple is a warm royal color. This year's autumn will showcase a lot of deep warm colors for interior decoration. Purple is not left out. It can beautify your workspace and home. It comes in different shades and can calm the mind and relax the eyes. You can also mix it up with white and other exciting hues like in our Glitter Quilt lining.

For more trending colors and matching bed linings for this falls, contact us and surf through our catalog. Intima is an Interior design firm with over 40 years’ experience. We love to enhance the physical appeal of homes and workspaces, and we have become expert in the field.

Bed lining in Purple

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